Watch the Northern Lights from your house TONIGHT (and every night!)

"At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within your kitchen!?!"

By Manchester's Finest | 3 April 2020

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It seems The Simpsons predicted something else all those years ago. You can now get the Northern Lights in your very own kitchen, or anywhere in the house for that matter as they’re now available to watch LIVE.

All you’ll need is a computer and the internet, no need for expensive hiking boots, duck down jackets and endless CLIF bars. And on top of all that – they’re super-relaxing too!

Basically someone has set up a live webcam in Churchill in Manitoba – right in the North of Canada (Google it – it looks amazing) and we can all hook up to it and watch it from our houses.

It’s much better, easier and cheaper than spending a couple of grand on a holiday and not even have a guarantee that you’ll see them like I did a few years back. 

Click the link below and enjoy…

Watch LIVE