Manchester is the Most Liveable City in the UK 2018

This week saw the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) annual survey come out and Manchester is sitting pretty at 35th in the list, a marked improvement over last year and 13 places above London.

By Ben Brown | Last updated 21 August 2018

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The survey produces a league table, ranking 140 world cities in terms of political stability, crime, education and access to healthcare.

Manchester came in at 35th in the world, moving up the list from 43rd last year. Surely a positive thing for everyone, and nearly half of the rest of the cities on the list also saw their liveability rank improve on last year.

Top of the list was the Austrian capital Vienna, who were noted for their low crime rate, sausages and delicious frozen rectangle frozen desserts.

Next up was Melbourne where, if anyone knows someone who has been on a ‘gap year’ – is known as one of the best places in the world in which to eat brunch, wear flip-flops and pick fruit.

Down the other end of the list are the likes of Damascus in Syria, Lagos in Nigeria and Tripoli in Libya. The EIU said that factors like terrorism and civil unrest played a considerable role in placing the lower ranking cities.

So well done Manchester – keep it up! Let’s get to 1 next year eh?

Read the report here