Afflecks' Most Famous Mosaic is BACK!

And on the 6th Day God Created Man...chester

By Ben Brown | 22 December 2020

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Probably the most famous, and certainly most photographed of Mark Kennedy’s mosaics on Afflecks in the Northern Quarter has returned to its rightful place after being vandalised back in February.

A local man decided he wanted to damage the mosaic with a ton of pink spray paint one evening in February, and as a result, the mosaic was removed from the wall so that it could be cleaned and repaired.

Ten months, and a global pandemic later, the mosaic has been restored to its former glory by Team Afflecks (who hand cleaned it themselves over several weeks) and reinstated to the side of the building on Short Street.

Kerry Rooms, Retail Operations Manager for Bruntwood Works & Afflecks commented:

“We’re delighted to have our mosaic back on the wall! It embodies our culture and the spirit of Afflecks and so it feels like a very positive thing to see it back adorning our wall again before we wave goodbye to 2020… We’re closing the year like we started it, with a great love for our city”

Afflecks is now open for extra special Christmas shopping with over 50 local, independent businesses across all four floors of the emporium, for 7 days a week right up until Christmas Eve, and operating under COVID-19 safety guidelines.