Best Things to do in Manchester this week: 4th - 10th January 2020

Including Emos at Pedro's, January Offers, Monster Trucks and NFL...

By Ben Brown | 3 January 2020

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January Offers
All Month
This might not be the most conventional ‘thing to do’ but when you think about it – eating is something that you do at least 3 times a day – so why not 1) enjoy it and 2) get some bloody discount on it? As I’m sure you’re aware, January is the time that many of the city’s restaurants and bars offer up to 50% off food – giving us peasants a chance to perhaps eat where we’ve been unable to before, or better yet – try more things in the places that we can. There’s some of the city’s biggest and most popular venues in there – so have a peruse of this list…

Jan Offers


Hot Wheels™ Monster Trucks Live
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th January
The last time that there were monster trucks in town I donned my cowboy boots, slung on my leather jacket and fastened my American flag bandana around my head and shuffled down to the MEN with Joe and Jake to watch some All-American carnage unfold in front of me. I expected hot dogs, frosty beers and those big foam fingers. I got all of that but I was still unsatisfied. None of the trucks smashed into each other and there was very little in the way of fire. Here’s hoping that the team over at Hot Wheels have their act together this weekend then because if not there’ll be a lot of angry people ready to slash some tires and flip some trucks.

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NFL Sunday @ Bunny Jacksons
Sunday 5th January
It’s NFL season again and anyone who enjoys watching big burley blokes covered in plastic jump at each other’s heads are in luck – Bunny Jackson’s will be showing a shit ton of games over the next few months. This Sunday sees the Saints v Vikings kick off at 6pm, and then the Eagles v Seahawks at 9.30pm. If that means anything to you – then you’re in luck baby! Pair all of this macho Americana with the best chicken wings in the city, some ice-cold bottles of Budweiser and perhaps the odd hot dog after 10pm. Take along your Uncle Sam hat and matching tie to complete the whole experience.

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XS Malarkey with Jonathan Mayor
Tuesday 7th January
It’s the first XS Malarkey of 2020 and they’ve roped in a bloke called Jonathan Mayor to tell us jokes while we drink cheap pints and scoff 4 packets of Monster Munch. Who is he? Well, he has his own website, which places him head and shoulders above pretty much all but the biggest of comedians these days. He’ll be compering the night, one that has seen a wealth of comedy acts through the doors over the last 20 or so years that it’s been going. Joining Mayor on Tuesday will be Mary Flanigan, Sian Davies and Sam Meyes.

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Pedro! At The Disco @ Crazy Pedro’s NQ
Wednesday 8th January
There’s not much that can be said about this night at Pedro’s in the NQ that hasn’t already been slurred by myself at 10pm after one too many shots of tequila. It’s a great night filled with all of the best pop-punk and emo that’s ever been created by humans. Not only is it FREE but it’s on until 4am, you can get pizza throughout that whole time and there are enough emo’s and punk’s in there to make Afflecks look like Debenhams on a Sunday afternoon.

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Beat The Bartender @ Twenty Twenty Two
Thursday 9th January
Feeling up for the challenge? From 8pm on Thursday’s at Twenty Twenty Two, you can take on the bartender at a game of ping pong for free when you buy any round of drinks. If you win, they will DOUBLE your round, if you lose, well you have to deal with that shame. No need to book – just grab a couple of your mates this Thursday and take on the challenge. Their happy hour is from 4-7, so who knows, you’ll probably be feeling brave by then.



Immersive Screening of Cabaret @ Band on the Wall
Friday 10th January
These last 3 years at Finest I’ve seen many an event organiser come and go but there’s been one group of people who have just flourished, and continue to put on some fantastic immersive cinema screenings. This is the latest from the Make A Scene crew, and they’ll be showing the Liza Minelli classic Cabaret over at Band on the Wall (with a little help from Live Cinema UK). What’s the film about? I’m not entirely sure – something to do with singing and Nazis. What makes it ‘immersive’? Well, there’ll be live performances throughout the night, reinterpretations of classic songs, cocktails, singing and all-round bloody good audience participation.

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