How’s your knowledge for anything that’s been on TV in the past decade? I’d say we’re all in with a pretty good chance of winning this quiz.
I don’t think I was even born when the first episode of Friends was aired but I know the punchline before the joke is even said, how many different types of towels Monica has and even the name of Rachel’s boss at Bloomingdales.
Chances are you’re exactly like me too.
I mean, 52 million people watched the live finale of Friends back in 2004 and since then it has been consistently been re-run on just about every crappy channel there is (T4, E4, Dave, Dave Ja Vu, Comedy Central the list probably goes on).
Anyway, as we’re all stuck inside with Friends or some other American sitcom on in the background every single day we’re in luck for doing damn well on this quiz.
And even if Friends isn’t your thing, basically anything you’ve watched recently will be on this quiz. From Friends to Game of Thrones, The Office, Stranger Things and even Her Maj in The Crown. So buckle up, dust off your pen and pencil and get to work.
The Big Fat Quiz is bringing virtual and themed quiz nights to your telly boxes with plenty of prizes to be won.
They’re donating to different charities who are keeping the country going during this tough time.
The Virtual Quiz Binge Edition
When: Saturday 25th April
Time: 7pm
Cost: £8