We’re all pretty switched on now to the devastating impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on most of the UK’s economies and industries – and we’ve all got an opinion on the governments reactions and measures to fight it.
Here at Manchester’s Finest we’re heavily invested in the success of the hospitality industry, a sector which we all rely on to feed us, water us and entertain us on a daily basis – and one that directly employs millions of people in the UK and millions more indirectly through supply chains.
Led by Jonathan Downey and the team at Hospitality Union, a new campaign has arisen, one that asks the UK government for more help in securing the future of these jobs and the hospitality industry that we ALL rely on in our lives.
The #NationalTimeOut campaign has been created to highlight the current impending situation for the hospitality industry, one that has been exacerbated by the announcement at the end of April that social distancing will be required for the rest of the calendar year.
Of course, these measures will have a dis proportionally adverse affect on hospitality, and as such businesses have got together to propose increased measures to the government, providing a framework that would secure the industry as well as provide for those who also rely on hospitality to survive.
Who are we?
We are the bar and restaurant owners of the North of England but our plea is one for assistance for the national hospitality sector. On the whole, we are not huge national or international companies but in the north alone we employ thousands of people, across the country millions are employed in hospitality. We are limited companies, partnerships and family firms nurtured sometimes over decades or generations with love at the cost of blood, sweat and considerable tears in the quest to build our dreams.
Those dreams now hang in ragged tatters. Torn by the storm which is Covid 19. We blame no one for it but we had no way to prepare for it or mitigate against it. Even those of us who had infectious disease insurance are having their claims stone walled by insurers.
Without assistance we simply cannot survive on our own.
As people who have fought and grafted for years to build our businesses, begging for help does not come easily.
Yet here we are on bended knee.
We ask you adopt the #NationalTimeOut framework urgently so that lenders can support landlords who can in turn support operators.
If not the social fabric of our country will never be the same again.
Please remember where you met your loved one, where you laughed, where you sang, danced, ate and drank.
We built our dreams so they could be the back drop of your golden memories.
Please help us to be there for your future memory building.
Please help us by rallying to our cause for a #NationalTimeOut.
Sign this petition. Contact your MP.