Is Manchester set to get a 260ft Viewing Platform this Christmas?

The proposed plans will plonk the platform in Exchange Square.

By Manchester's Finest | 17 November 2020

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Most of you will remember the famous Manchester ‘wheel’ which graced both Piccadilly Gardens and Exchange Square a few years back. Well, it looks like there might be a newer version heading to the city centre this December – but this time in the form of a viewing platform.

SkyView360 is an attraction which transports people from the ground 80 metres up into the air and will then rotate very slowly, giving you a full 360 view of the city’s skyline before plonking you back onto the ground.

An application has been lodged with the council to erect the temporary structure in Exchange Square between 2nd December and 4th January, a proposal which will look to bring a new festive attraction to the city in light of the cancellation of the Christmas Markets.

The attraction itself is designed by Dutch firm Stemar and has featured in a variety of high-profile locations throughout the world. It’ll be totally socially distanced and COVID-19 safe.

With the clock ticking closer to the 2nd December – expect this application to be fast-tracked and work on the structure to begin in earnest – if it’s given the green light. Keep an eye on Exchange Square over the next couple of weeks or so…