Manchester is the Most Sex-Obsessed City in the UK

New research has found Manchester has been searching for free sex videos, dildos and lube more than any other city in the UK.

By Alex Watson | 5 January 2021

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A new study has found, based on a brand new ‘sex index’ they have designed, that Manchester is in fact, the most sex-obsessed city in the whole of the UK. 

The sex index designed by OnBuy Adult Department looks at internet searches based on three different topics as well as the number of adult shops in the city.

The searches are based around porn, sex toy and lube. 

woman in white dress lying on white bed


From the research, we can see just how many Manchester residents searched for ‘free sex videos’ last month (2,400) as well as ‘buy lube near me’ (10) and ‘dildo’ (1,900).

Our filthy city came out on top with 272 sexy points on the index, taking second place is Birmingham with 250 and third is the capital with 226.

It was our level of porn and lubricant searches that bagged us the first place position. More specifically, there were 2,434 porn-related searches per 100,00 people in last month alone and ‘sex videos’ were searched 9,900 times.

Across the three search topics, we came out on for porn-related searches as well as lube searches but it was our sex toy searches that let us down.

OnBuy Adult

Beaten by six other cities, Manchester only searched for vibrators 1,300 times last month compared to 12,100 of London. We only searched handcuffs 230 times, compared to Birmingham’s 590.

The least obsessed cities were Stoke-on-Trent with 93 points, Cardiff with 76 and Southampton with a pretty poor effort of 34.

It’s not the first time Manchester has come out riding the top spots of charts when it comes to sex.


Shortly after summer last year, Manchester was crowned the dogging capital of the UK with experts blaming raised sexual tension due to lockdown and that scorching summer we had (if you can cast your mind back to June).

The best places for a top outdoor shag in Manchester were car parks weirdly, following by a slightly more risqué option, Ancoats canal. Failing either of those, that who like it quiet might like to follow suit and head to Manchester Central Library. you can see the full sex location list here.

Back in July last year, Cheadle was ranked in the top 20 sexiest places in the UK due to the residents’ particular affinity for butt plugs, bondage and anal toys.

Well done everyone.