Dre Andrew | 27 | Straight
I’m weirdly attracted to…
That sideburn burn bit of hair that some girls have (when they flick their hair to the side)
Worst first date…
Went indoor trampolining and twisted my ankle 10 mins in
I’m bad at…
Choosing somewhere to eat as there are tooo many options in Manchester
I’ve always wanted to try…
My favourite place on Earth is…
The kitchen in my mum’s gaff – always smells good and it’s full of good food
Fancy dating Dre?
7:30pm – be QUICK, first one to Dre WINS the date.
Liars Club, 19A Back Bridge St, Manchester M3 2PB
El | 23 | Straight
I’m weirdly attracted to…
Guys who can pull off a pink shirt
Worst first date…
Probably the one where I was stood up! Had got ready and dressed up for this date (like 2 hours prior) and long story short he ghosted me. So that was a bag of fun.
I’m bad at…
Not ruining a group photo
I’ve always wanted to try…
Making pasta from scratch
My favourite place on Earth is…
St Ives in Cornwall
Fancy dating El?
6:30pm – be QUICK, first one to El WINS the date.
Wolf at the Door, 30-32, Thomas St, Manchester M4 1ER
Phil | 23 | Gay
I’m weirdly attracted to…
Not sure (good dress sense?)
Worst first date…
The guy assumed I would pay for the meal and drinks and didn’t bring anything so I forked out and made him transfer it me back later, I never asked to see him again!!
I’m bad at…
Exercising and going to the gym
I’ve always wanted to try…
My favourite place on Earth is…
My bed
Fancy dating Phil?
6pm – be QUICK, first one to Phil WINS the date.
Twenty Twenty Two, The Basement, Little Lever St, Manchester M1 1EZ