Pubs & Restaurants can open again on Saturday 4th July

Lockdown is pretty much officially over now by the looks of it...

By Manchester's Finest | 23 June 2020

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Today saw Boris Johnson announce that English pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, cinemas and museums can open their doors from Saturday 4th July.

He also announced an end to the 2-metre rule in favour of a ‘1-metre-plus‘ rule which should ease most difficulties that venues were looking to experience if the 2-metre rule was kept.

So, it’s a huge step in the right direction back to a sense of normality in our lives, and the livelihoods of many of those affected by the closure of hospitality businesses all the way back in March.

Will places be able to open again? What measures will they have in place? Will that Saturday be the biggest piss-up in UK history?

Answers to all of these questions will come in the next few days and weeks. We’ll keep you posted.