Black Then, Black Now: Black History Month 2019

Experience black culture through a series of art performances and workshops curated from real life stories of the diaspora surrounding food, creativity, health and well being.

By Steven Pankhurst | Last updated 23 October 2019

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The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust and Big People Music are presenting 3 days of history, 3 days of futurity on the 1st, 28th and 30th October at Manchester Central library.

Go and experience black culture, what it means, and why unifying a social movement forward is crucial to how we define a legacy.

They encourage you to be open about the experiences that shape your concept of blackness, as the movement continues to expose narratives that reshape the social stereotype of what black history was, to what it is.


Black Then, Black Now: Black History Month 2019

Venue: Manchester Central Library
Dates: 1st, 28th & 30th October 2019
Cost: FREE

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