Graphic Encounters: The FREE city-wide exhibition exploring mental health through illustration

Graphic Encounters is a compelling collection which reveals the experiences of women in Manchester who have experienced issues with their mental health.

By Manchester's Finest | 26 July 2019

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The illustrated narratives will be presented in poster-sites across Greater Manchester’s Metrolink Service as part of SICK! Festival which will be taking over the city between 18th September and 5th October.

The project, developed with Manchester Metropolitan University and the LGBT Foundation, explores the lives of four women facing particular challenges to their health and wellbeing in the city.

Artworks by four artists, two from the UK and two from Finland and has been commissioned especially by SICK! Festival 2019.

Kaisa Leka is a Finnish comic-artist who uses her autobiographical artwork to discuss disability, politics and spiritual searching. Her comics figures are naïve, simple animals, the most important of which is a mouse, representing Kaisa herself.

Tiitu Takalo, also from Finland, is known best for her coverage feminist issues, LGBT+ politics and mental health in her illustration.

Representing the UK in this collaboration is first Jamie Squire. If you don’t follow Jamie on Instagram already, I strongly suggest you do because her cute, kitsch graphics are both adorable and poignant for young women on topics such as self-esteem, body positivity, sustainability and of course, mental health.

Finally, the last pillar in this crack team of fabulous graphic novelists is Una – known best for her Zines ‘On Sanity’ and ‘Becoming/Unbecoming’. Depicting the effects of violence and misogyny in her own life, UNA creates visual stories that delve deep into her soul.

These four women have clubbed together to create this FREE exhibition that you will be able to behold on your commute. Don’t miss it!


SICK! Festival

When: 8th September – 15th October
Where: Citywide

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