Finest Bakes: A Cheat's Manchester Tart

By no means am I a pastry chef. So instead of stressing myself out trying to learn in a week, I thought I'd stick to what I know and use ready made to create a super simple recipe you can easily try at home. Hence why I've called this one 'A Cheat's Manchester Tart.'

By Manchester's Finest | 27 October 2020

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I found it really hard this week to pick just one pastry recipe. It’s definitely something us Northerner’s love – sausage roll anyone? But I thought I’d keep it truly Manc with a tart literally named after us. It would’ve been rude not too!

PASTRY WEEK: A Cheat’s Manchester Tart
Difficulty level: Easy (peasy)
Total time: 1 hour
Serving size: 8


x1 sheet ready-rolled shortcrust pastry
575ml of whole milk
5 TBSP of custard powder
3 TBPP caster sugar
2 TSP vanilla extract
5 TBSP raspberry jam
5 TBSP desiccated coconut (I used Tree of Life Organic)
Raspberries to decorate
Butter (to grease tin)
Cream to serve


22cm loose bottom tart tin
Boiling pan
Greaseproof paper cut out to cover the base of the tart tin
Baking beans (or any old dried pasta/lentils etc)


1. Take the pastry out of the fridge and leave at room temp for around 30 minutes before using. In the meantime, pre-heat the oven to 200C. Coat the tart tin in a thin layer or butter to prevent the pastry from sticking.

2. Place the ready-made pastry sheet in the greased tin, making sure the sides are covered. Cut away any bits that hang over. You might need to stretch it out a little which is fine, you can fill in any holes or tears with the leftovers you’ve cut away. Prick the base with a fork.

3. Place the greaseproof paper on top of the tart and fill with the baking beans. These prevent the pastry from rising. Bake for 20 minutes, then remove the baking beans and greaseproof paper and pop the tart bake in the oven for around 5 minutes. Leave to cool.

4. Whilst the tart is in the oven add the milk, custard powder, vanilla extract and sugar to a boiling pan oven a medium heat for around 10 minutes. Make sure you whisk this frequently to create a smooth, thick and silky texture. This should take around 5-10 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and add clingfilm to the top to prevent skim forming. Leave to cool.

5. When both have cooled, spread the jam onto the tart base and place 1/2 the desiccated coconut evenly on top. Add the custard, making sure to pour it out quite evenly. Try not to spread it as it’ll mix in with the jam and you won’t get the distinct layers. Now add the remaining desiccated coconut on top and pop in the fridge for around an hour to chill.

If you shake the tart slightly and it doesn’t move it’s ready to serve. Top with fresh raspberries and cream.


Hit us up if you try this recipe, I’d love to see your posts on Instagram! Tag @thefoodrubiks and @mcrfinest in your pictures.

Stay tuned for more bakes and cakes over the coming weeks…

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