Have we found the city's best Pornstar Martini?

Science & Industry have created a unique twist on the classic party cocktail.

By Ben Brown | 5 November 2019

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The Pornstar Martini is a cocktail that divides opinion. There’s an awful lot of people who LOVE the blend of vodka, bubbles and fruit, while others just think it’s too tart and has a stupid bloody name.

Invented in London in 1999, it is now reputed to be the UK’s most popular cocktail and with bars across the land putting them in trees with sparklers – it looks like this popularity is only going to grow and grow.

As one of the city’s best (if not THE best) cocktail bars, Science + Industry would be mad not to try and get in on a bit of the action. The only problem is that it’s not the kind of place you’d expect to find a gaggle of Cheshire housewives looking to get hammered on vodka and Prosecco.

So they’ve created their own version – a cocktail that revels in it’s simplicity – and seriously impresses with its flavours.

The Charlemagne’s main body comes from Amaro Montenegro, a traditional Italian herbal liqueur that is made to a 150 year old secret recipe containing a blend of 40 botanicals.

With its very distinctive taste and floral notes, it’s the perfect base to then add a homemade Raspberry & Rosemary Cordial and that all-important Prosecco – making a cocktail that’s certainly unique and a million times better than what you’d find elsewhere.




Science & Industry, Cane & Grain, 49 -51 Thomas Street, Manchester M4 1NA
0161 839 7033