New for 2021: Manchester's BrewDog Beer Hotel

Plans are afoot for a brand-new beer hotel from the Scottish outfit...

By Manchester's Finest | 17 November 2020

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News reached our ears around this time last year of a new range of hotels from BrewDog, and my word they sound bloody brilliant.

There’s already one in Aberdeen, the BrewDog ‘Kennel’, set above one of the brewery’s bars with a grand total of 6 rooms on offer, but the team revealed plans for more of them throughout the UK.

Dog-friendly, in-shower beer fridges and beer and food room service – these hotels have it all and this week CEO and Founder of BrewDog – James Watt has revealed plans for the Manchester hotel.

The new DogHouse Hotel Manchester will have 25 en-suite bedrooms, with a new restaurant and bar for 150 customers on the ground floor. There are also plans for a rooftop terrace and bar too!

The proposed site for the hotel is on Fountain Street, just off Market Street, the borderline-brutalist building next to the Shakespeare pub.

Apart from the teasing ‘2021’ there is no set-in-stone date for the opening of the hotel and venues, so keep your eyes peeled and expect to see more works taking place on Fountain Street for the foreseeable future.


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