MealPal makes daily lunchtime pick-up fast and affordable by providing access to the best restaurants for under £4.50 per meal, helping Manchester avoid disappointing lunches, skip lunch queues and discover some of the city’s best food.
The service provides one lunch option a day from each of its restaurant partners that is the same quality and portion size as if you ordered in-person. Not only is the food affordable; when compared to ordering the same dish at the normal price, users also have added convenience of skipping the queue when picking it up.
From the 12th September, members will be able to choose either a 12 meal plan (£4.79 per meal) or a 20 meal plan (£4.39 per meal) to be used over the course of a 30 day cycle. All you need to do is reserve your meal in advance from any participating restaurant, select a time to pick it up, skip the queues and fill your face.
Through MealPal, hundreds of restaurants – both large and small – offer one dish per day to subscribing members. At launch, members will be able to get delicious lunches from some of Manchester’s best lunchtime spots including; GBK, Chilango, Northern Soul Grilled Cheese, Jerk Shack, Kettlebell Kitchen, Bundobust and loads more.