It’s time for another Roast of the Week and again we’re turning to Zouk. As annoying as that may be that they’ve now appeared twice, what can you do when their roasts are this good.
Not only did they blow the whole of Manchester away better than Storm Ciara with their Whole Roasted Lamb, but they’ve also pulled out all the stops AGAIN, with a Roast Dinner Platter.
And yes, it’s as good as it sounds.
Firstly, we should address the elephant in the room that an Indian restaurant is doing a Roast Dinner better than a hell of a lot of places in Manchester. They’ve turned the classic dish that can sometimes be pretty bland and one flavour into a spiced treat.
The Platter comes piled high with a whole roast chicken, sliced roast lamb, roasted topside of beef and all the trimmings.
That includes crunchy tenderstem broccoli, carrots, Yorkshire puddings, plenty of roast potatoes and of course a choice between gravy or peppercorn sauce.
The platter serves 2-4 people but if you feel up to it, see if you can handle the full thing yourself (I bet you can’t)
Zouk Tea Bar & Grill, 5, The Quadrangle, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5QS