Twenty Twenty Two, the music, arts and ping pong space in the heart of the Northern Quarter of Manchester continues its strong exhibition schedule, by exhibiting French artist and graphic designer Grégoire “Léon” Guillemin’s ‘The Secret Life of Heroes’
What do heroes do when they stop being heroes? Grégoire “Léon” Guillemin asked himself what those half gods amongst men can do at night, when they come back home after a hard day’s work saving the world. Behind those masks and those suits are hiding real men and real women, with all their human attributes… And weaknesses. They are human after all!
The show, first shown in Paris last year, will be the first time the exhibition has been shown in the UK and includes a number of new exclusive designs. Gregoire’s designs were first seen at Twenty Twenty Two in ‘The Print Shop’ exhibition last year and were the most popular prints in the show and sold out within days.
The exhibition opens on the 6th March and runs until 22nd March. Twenty Twenty Two is open from 4pm Tuesday – Saturday
Grégoire “Léon” Guillemin’s is a Strategic Planner and Creation Director at the French communications agency Infoflash, 45-year old Grégoire Guillemin, aka “Léon”, refuses to let his childhood passions fade quietly into the past. Science fiction, comic books, and video games still reign. From 1930’s vintage to modern day Pop Art, his artworks rediscover and reinvent styles through experimentation with variegated, minimalistic techniques.
As a leading actor in the “Geek Art” movement, Grégoire doesn’t see himself as an artist, rather as an “Eclectic Graphical Gamer.” While each one of his projects attain international success on the web, a few of his best known include “Exercises of Style” and “Famous Capsules”. Also among the most popular, Grégoire’s collection “Pop Icons” is a humorous inside peek at the hidden, yet colourful and slightly steamy, life of our most beloved heroes.