Elbow to play intimate fundraising gig at Night & Day

Guy Garvey et. al. are set to play the tiny venue to help raise some much needed funds...

By Manchester's Finest | 18 August 2020

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To say that the events and hospitality industry is struggling at the moment is a huge understatement. The whole events industry stands on a precipice, a fall which would see thousands upon thousands of jobs lost, and countless creatives and artists simply lose their entire source of revenue.

With COVID-19 pretty much halting ALL events until at least 2021, the need for funding and intervention is now, and thus a group of people have gotten together to try to get some cash for the UK’s small events venues, the ones who are less likely to be able to weather the storm.

Passport: Back to Our Roots is a campaign to get these small independent venues some much needed funds, as well as giving people the chance to watch some huge bands play some really intimate shows to a handful of fans.

These special one-off gigs will be taking place in 2021 (when it’s safe to perform with no social distancing) and in order to get tickets you need to enter a prize draw – with entry dictated by a donation to the campaign. The minimum donation is £5.

Manchester’s Night & Day Cafe will see Elbow head to their tiny stage, with more artists and venues set to be announced over the coming weeks and months too.

So if you want to give some support to your local independent venues, and stand about 30cm away from Elbow when they’re performing, you should enter the prize draw ASAP below…

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