Mott the Hoople
Friday 19th April 2019- Manchester Academy 1
Mott The Hoople are made up of Verden Allen, Dale Griffin, Ian Hunter, Mick Ralphs and Pete Overend Watts. Popular in the Glam-Rock era in the mid-1970’s the English band Mott the Hoople were known and loved for their strong R&B roots.
Although Mott the Hoople scored a couple of big hitters in the early 70’s the band never quite hit it through to the mainstream market. This is far from a bad thing though – as Mott the Hoople are known and appreciated by true connoisseurs of rock.
Nevertheless, their nasty fusion of heavy metal, glam rock, and Bob Dylan’s sneering hipster cynicism provided the groundwork for many British punk bands.
They are perhaps best known for their 1972 record ‘All the Young Dudes’ which was written for them by no other than David Bowie himself which is still thought of as one of the most influential songs in the rock genre to this day.
The song, ‘All the Young Dudes,’ transformed the cult band into glam-rock heroes overnight, and Hunter — previously a snarling singer with a Bob Dylan obsession — into a stardust-sprinkled spokesman for a group of platform-wearing glitter kids.
Mott the Hoople has a strong and loyal fan-base to this day – and I am sure they are all pretty excited about the show in Manchester this coming spring.
Tickets are on sale now.
Manchester Academy, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PR
0161 232 1639