Return To Legend with Greg Wilson & Colin Curtis at The Refuge

Saturday 27th January will see The Refuge 'Return to Legend', one of Manchester's most iconic clubs, celebrating with it's most important resident DJ, Greg Wilson, plus an honoured guest who played there many times himself.

By Ben Brown | 4 January 2018

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Greg Wilson was originally known for disco and jazz-funk, but most notably remembered as a champion of electro – the staple sounds of soul, funk, jazz-funk and jazz-fusion – all staple sounds every Wednesday night during his famed residency at Legend in the early Eighties, a nightclub that featured, among other things “around half a mile of neon” above its dancefloor.

Return To Legend with Greg Wilson & Colin Curtis
The Refuge
Saturday 27th January

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Joining Greg on the night is Colin Curtis, who has recently celebrated 50 years of DJing and was at the forefront of the Northern Soul and Jazz-Funk scenes of the 70’s.

In the run up to the night, we met up with Greg and Colin and revisited all their old haunts and examined the impact the scene had on the people and culture of the city (documentary coming soon).

Before the music starts there will be an interview and Q&A with Greg talking to Colin about his crucial contribution to UK club culture, covering his involvement in the various scenes, before Colin takes us on a journey through the era’s, from his Soul beginnings up until the early House he played at Legend, The Playpen and Berlin in Manchester. Greg will cover the music of ‘82/’83, playing both originals and reworked versions of classic and cult-classic Legend floorfillers.

The Refuge, Oxford St, Manchester M60 7HA
0161 233 5151