The latest “pop-up” bar to grace the Manchester scene is inBloom (formerly Bloom with a slight name change I believe on account of confusion with the gin that shares the same name.)
Located down at Spinningfields owner and operator James Wrigley has created a cracking little piece of outdoor lounge space.
James Wrigley said; “We were initially approached by Mike to pitch ideas for Spinningfields and saw this as a fantastic opportunity for a small independent Manchester-based company. We put a lot of time and energy into proposing a range of concepts for the area, and our ideas were well received. The team are really excited about Bloom and are looking forward to bringing something different into the city!”
I headed down there last week to check out the food in the sun, summer is still here so enjoy it whilst it lasts! The guys put on a great platter spread aswell as cracking out the BBQ for some burgers and hotdogs.
Bowls of olives, platters of meat & cheese with some tasty artisan bread supplied by Robinsons Bakery. Aidrian the Aussie chef was well in his element chatting us through all not only the food but life in general and his surprise at what can pass as a “chef” in Britain, can’t say I disagree with that one when loads of them can’t even cut up fruit and veg in a professional manner.
A simple but well formed menu with quality ingredients by a team that know what they are doing. What more do you need.