Holiday season is upon us which means only one thing…every inch of my neglected body needs to be tended to and hairless. When waxing comes in to the equation there are 2 things that are more important to me:
- The most painless option possible
- Spending the least amount of time going through the torture because of point number 1
Both of which, I might add I have never been lucky enough to find, until now. It’s surprising that after 10 years of ritual hair removal I have never actually heard of the type called Hot Waxing, to me all waxing has been hot but apparently there are all kinds.
I had not had my last wax for probably 6 months, mainly due to the fact I was burnt last time and having the burn marks totally defeated the whole object of being waxed, that and I was being lazy, lead me to the ways of hair removal cream and, dare I say it….shaving. Cue the monkey face emoji!
Hot wax is spread directly on to the skin then allowed to dry slightly and peeled off without the strips. The benefits include fewer in-grown hairs, less breakage and therefore longer re-growth periods. The wax also promotes the skin hydration and is highly recommended for sensitive areas. It can be used on shorter hairs, it also doesn’t take half your skin with it, which from my experience is damn right painful. What made it even better was the fact I didn’t look like a plucked chicken…massive bonus, and wait for it, I did not want to scream like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the middle of B&M bargains (other discounted, low end retailers are available), because it was nowhere near as painful as a strip wax. I was pretty amazed to be honest especially after I had been using a therapist’s worse nightmare, a razor I should have been crying.
Hot waxing prices at Spa Satori starts at just £8 for lip and chin to £27.50 for a Holywood so call on 0161 819 2465 to book your holiday prep now.
Spa Satori, 112 High Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 1HQ
0161 819 2465