New Year’s Eve Round Up
Sunday 31st Jan 2017
As you’d expect, pretty much everywhere in the city and beyond is putting on some sort of party with a flash flyer and a DJ playing all their best ABBA and Leo Sawyer LPs. Instead of just listing them all here like some sort of Excel spreadsheet, here is something I prepared earlier – all the best spots to see in the New Year. Don’t get too drunk though – you’ve got to do a swim in the Quays in the morning!
New Year’s Day Swim
Monday 1st Jan 2018
You know that things are looking bad when I’m suggesting that you get your cossie on and go for a swim in the freezing cold water of the Quays on New Year’s Day. What was I even thinking including this?! Too late now, I’ve already started typing. Basically, it’s a fundraiser for City of Trees where you give them £20 for the privilege of freezing your bits off in the water. I suppose there might be a few idiots out there who fancy giving it a try. Or you could go down and watch them and laugh while wearing your thermals and drinking a few nips of Grandpa’s Medicine.
Raver Tots Rave @ Gorilla
Monday 1st Jan 2018
This is a rave for kids. Where kids go to rave like it’s 1990 all over again and they are in a field somewhere between Stoke and Crewe. Rave away to some proper actual tunes, with the lights flashing all in their little frightened faces. All while parents talk and reminisce and exchange notes of the best kind of quinoa to serve up to a 3 year old called Miles. If I had kids I’d probably take them. But I don’t so I’ll be swimming in the Quays.
Swan Lake @ The Bridgewater Hall
Tuesday 2nd Jan 2018
Siberia is one of those places that you hear about and it sends a shiver down your spine just thinking of how cold it is. Even if you can stand a swim in the Quays in the dead of Winter in Salford – it definitely wouldn’t even compare to the temperatures in Siberia. Just watch that montage in Rocky 4 when he’s training – that will prove everything I’ve just said. So if you’re from Siberia you have two choices – pull big blocks of ice around to improve your muscles and boxing technique, or teach yourself to do some ballet and play an instrument. This lot chose option 2, and will be banging out Swan Lake at the Bridgewater Hall this week.
The January Dining Deals 2018
Throughout Jan 2018
After Christmas you’re probably absolutely brassic, and you’re not alone – everyone is in the same boat and so that’s why the January sales were dreamt up. Some capitalist pig in the 60’s thought it would be a good idea to half the price of things that you bought only a week before, in order to get people out of their house and spending in what is probably the most necessarily thrifty month of the year. Restaurants are helping out too, with a long list of the best January Dining Deals this month right here.